BY SIGNING BELOW, you acknowledge and agree to the following:
1) Throughout the Youth Leadership Program, there may be instances where transportation is provided at the sessions and/or retreat. By signing below, you are giving permission for the provided transportation and acknowledging your parent/guardian will need to provide permission upon acceptance to the program.
2) Transportation to and from YLP monthly sessions is the responsibility of the student and their parent/guardian to coordinate. This may be done in collaboration with other students/guardians but by signing below you acknowledge understanding that this expectation is in place, and understand that this could be transportation to any point within Berkshire County.
3) Within this program, there will be various physical interactions. Although our volunteers and staff will do our best to accomodate those with differing physical ability levels, you are signing below to confirm that you are aware that physical activity will take place at the retreat and sessions.
4) You confirm that you read all associated information at the links provided in the beginning of this application, including but not limited to the dates of program sessions, requirements of participants, and forms that will need to be filled out if you are accepted.
5) You agree to participate in a mandatory interview for consideration for acceptance into the program.
By signing below, I agree that should I be selected to participate in YLP, I will attend the entire retreat from May 30 through June 1, 2025, all program days, and commencement. I have read and I understand the attendance policy.
I hereby certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I hereby give 1Berkshire permission to share information on this application with the YLP Selection Committee.